About Us » Attendance and Lateness Policy

Attendance and Lateness Policy

It’s important that students arrive on time to school and ready to learn. Our school day begins promptly at 8:00AM. After 8:00AM, students will be marked late. When students are late to school, families will be notified via phone call and/or text message. 


If students are late to school or are absent frequently, they may fall behind in their classes and become increasingly frustrated and disillusioned with school. In an effort to create an engaging and motivating learning environment, BECA provides regular incentives and celebration activities for students who demonstrate excellent attendance. Students and families: keep up to date with the school calendar for special events!


We understand that there will be days when students cannot attend school due to an appointment, travel plan, or sickness. We encourage families to schedule appointments on days when the school is closed. However, if a student must miss school, it’s important that they bring an excused doctor’s note when they return to the building. Students and families should also notify teachers and ask for assignments that should be completed in the student’s absence. 


We can only excuse absences if a student brings a note from the doctor, dentist, or other medical appointment. Doctor notes will be verified and only the dates written on the medical note will be excused. Handwritten notes by parents are not accepted to excuse student absences. Suspension, without alternative education, is an unexcused absence. BECA reserves the right to verify that excused notes are officially authorized.